Hometown: Waynesboro, PA
Residence: Lexington, KY
What's In My Bag:
-Driver: Callaway X2 Hot Fubuki 65g Stiff shaft
- Irons: TItleist CB 712 Nippon N. S. PRO 950GH Steel Shaft
-Putter: Scotty Cameron Fastback
-Ball: ProV1X
I was born and raised in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. For those of you that don't know where that is, it sits at the foothills of the Appalachian Trail and is home to about 10,000 people. It's one place that I always look forward to going back to and I am so proud to be from there.
But growing up in a small town, there wasn't much to do. My family however, always had something to do: Golf. Between my father's immense passion for the game, and my brother's stellar junior career, it was only a matter of time before I took it up. It didn't take too long; I've had a club in my hand since I was 5.
Since then, I've been fortunate enough to live out my dreams. One of those dreams was playing collegiate golf. I decided to play for the University of Kentucky. I graduated in December 2014 with a degree in journalism. There, I became a better student, a better athlete, and a better person.
That university changed my life. Being able to play golf for something bigger than myself was amazing and it really set my professional career in motion. By my senior year, I knew what my next step was. Professional golf was the next sequence in my dream.
I am so excited to begin this journey. I am equally as excited to share this experience with you guys! That said, I hope to make all of you proud.
With the most sincerity,